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Writer's pictureRachael

TASTE / Panettone Pudding with roasted orange

Updated: Dec 30, 2023

This is Rachael's recipe for using up any leftover Panettone. Usually we manage to eat it all over Christmas as it is so delicious, however this year was a little different. The New Year saw us travelling to Stefano's home where there is a regular family contest over who has baked the best Pinza, a traditional Venetian Christmas cake made with fennel. Hence this year after all the Pinza judging, we found ourselves with not much room left for our poor Panettone!


Roasted oranges

1 large orange sliced

1 tsp cinnamon

A sprinkle of caster sugar. I used a fabulous orange spice sugar from Florence's Larder who I met at the Rural Living Show in Taunton.

A splash of Disarrono Italian Amaretto

Panettone Pudding

250g panettone cut into 6 wedges

2 eggs

142ml pot of cream

225ml milk

1 tsp vanilla extract

2 tbsp caster sugar or soft brown sugar

zucchero di decorazione or icing sugar, for sprinkling

softened butter to grease dish plus optional for buttering bread


1. Warm the oven to 160C/Fan 140C/Gas 3. Prepare the oranges first by arranging the ingredients in layers and covering in foil then pop them in to roast for an hour whilst you prepare the panettone.

2. Next, grease a shallow baking dish (850ml/11/2 pint) Butter the wedges of panettone if you wish and arrange them inside.

2. Whisk the eggs, milk, cream, vanilla and sugar in a bowl and then pour

over the wedges.

3. Put the dish inside a larger tin and pour 2.5cm/1 inch of hot water around it. Bake for 30-40 minutes.

4. Remove everything from the oven and slice the pudding into squares. Layer it up with orange slices between and sprinkle sugar over the top. I used Italian decorating sugar but icing sugar does the same thing!

5. Serve with cream and a glass of Disaronno or a white wine like our Manzoni Bianco.

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